
tiistai 19. maaliskuuta 2013

Frequently asked questions about Sire Sasa

I've got probably thousands, if not tens of thousands of questions. I have now 23 745 comments on my videos altogether, of approximately half are written by me, since I always answer questions and thank for praise. So about 11 872 and a half comments I've got from my viewers. They are not all questions, but there's also my channel comments, which Youtube has hid behind a useless tab, so their use is significantly decreased, but I have approximately two thousand channel comments, if not more and many of them are questions also.
So, quite many questions to answer. Hopefully, or annoyingly, most of the questions deal with the same subjects every time. I made this FAQ, so I wouldn't have to answer these questions ever anymore, sadly I know that I still have to answer them many times.

Anyway, here's the 60 most asked questions and comments:

Q: What's your real name?
A: I'm not going to tell you. Ever. I'm Sire Sasa now.

Q: Where do you live?
A: In Finland.

Q: How old are you/when is your birthday?
A: I'm born at April 6 1989.

Q: Are you a boy or a girl?
A: Yes I am.

Q: Are you gay?
A: No I'm not. Sorry to disappoint you.

C: But you look like gay!
A: No, I don't. Gays look like gay, I look like me (or sometimes Gaga).

Q: Are you rich?
A: No, I'm most certainly not rich!

C: But you make money from Youtube!
A: The little money I get from ads is about one-hundredth of the money I've put into making things for you.

Q: Do you belong to the Haus of Gaga?
A: Unfortunately not.

Q: Have you met Lady Gaga?
A: No I haven't met Her personally, yet.

Q: Which languages you speak?
A: Finnish, English, Swedish, German, and a bit of Spanish, French, Latin and Japan. But it would be nice that instead of Spanish, you would try to speak English to me, since yo habla poco Español.

Q: Can you make videos in other languages than English?
A: In Finnish I can, if you want? But I will not start to make videos in many languages, I will not make any video again with different subtitles and I don't have time to make subtitles for many languages. Use Google Translate.

Q: Why can't I see this video?
A: Some of my videos are blocked by Youtube, because they contain copyrighted background music. There's nothing I can do to change that. They are mainly blocked in Germany and Japan, because those countries have more strickt copyright laws. The only thing you can do, is try to fool Youtube to think you are using it from some other country. I don't know how to do it, or is it even possible.

Q: Why can't I see this video on my cellphone/tablet?
A: Because of copyright infringement some videos maybe blocked from viewing in portable devices by Youtube. There's nothing I can do about it, but you can probably see them just fine on a computer.

Q: What is your next video?
A: If I just uploaded a new video, I probably don't yet know what the next video will be. Patience!

Q: When is your next video coming?
A: If I just uploaded a new video, I probably don't yet know when the next video will come. Patience!!! Not in a week, probably in a month.

Q: When is the template coming
A: If there will be a template, it will come when I make it. Patience.

Q: Why there is no template?
A: The prop is probably the kind which cannot be made templates of, i.e. convex, concave, other difficult three-dimensional form or then the template would be so big that it couldn't be printed.

Q: Where is the template?
If there is a template, there's a link to it in the videos description.

Q: What is this background music?
A: Check the videos description.

Q: Where can I get it for free?
A: Probably nowhere legally. Buy CDs.

Q: What is this font you used in your video?
A: Ask in specific video, and I'll tell you. All the fonts I've used are the same Gaga has used in Her products, I want to make things accurate.

Q: Where can I get it for free?
A: If it's a free font, you can probably find it by searching it's name on Google.

Q: What program you use to edit your videos?
A: I have used Pinnacle Studio 12 plus for over hundred videos and just recently I updated to Pinnacle Studio 16 Ultimate.

Q: Where can I get it for free?
A: Nowhere, it costs about 120 dollars.

Q: What program you use to edit photos?
A: Photoshop Elements 8.

Q: Where can I get it for free?
A: Nowhere, it costs about 90 dollars.

Q: How do you make your video effects?
A: I won't show you that, it's my secret. Everything else I teach you already.

Q: Where do you buy the Gaga records for your collection?

Q: How much you paid for this record?
A: Read the subtitles of the video, please! If it's not there, read the videos description.

Q: Do you have some record/thing in your collection?
A: Possibly I do, if it's not super rare and expensive. If I don't, maybe I will have it in the future and show it in a video. But don't ask me to buy certain things, it's stupid. I will buy what I want.

Q: Can you make this Gaga prop?
A: Please don't send anymore requests, since I have hands full of them already. I will make all the things I like enough to make.

Q: Can you make this other-than-Gaga prop?
A: No, I only make Gaga props in this channel.

Q: When you will make some prop?
A: I will make props when I have time, and the more complicated prop, more time it will need for planning and constructing.

Q: Can you make these Gaga shoes?
A: No, I'm not a shoemaker. It requires different kinds of materials, tools and techniques than other props.

Q: Can you make this Gaga dress?
A: Probably not, since I'm a craftsman, not a tailor. I like the most to make props: masks, sunglasses, headpieces etc.

Q: What is your easiest prop to make?
A: Pink Eye Stickers.

Q: What is your hardest prop to make?
A: Polar Bear Robe.

Q: What is your favorite prop?
A: Blue Telephone Hat.

Q: I can't make this, can you help me?
A: Start with something easier, ask help from your parents, watch the video as many times necessary and pause it if needed, read the subtitles. And practise a lot so you become better at crafting.

Q: Where can I find the materials for the prop?
A: Crafts store, hardware store, scale model store, fabric store, haberdashery store, bookstore, department store, general store, rock/biker/heavy clothing store, garbage bin, the Internet.

Q: What is Finnfoam?
A: Polyurethane foam, plastic foam, expanded plastic, foamed plastic, cellular plastic, almost like Styrofoam, but without the grains. It's an insulating material which is probably sold in hardware stores, and it can usually be found on construction yards and their waste containers.

Q: Can I buy something from you?
A: Maybe you can, depending on the prop. I will keep one copy of everything for myself, and I don't want to make duplicates for the most complex props, so not everything can be bought.

Q: How can I buy something from you?
A: You need to have an Ebay account, and for that you need a Paypal account, and for that you need a credit card, and for that you have to be an adult. So if you're not, ask your parents about it.

Q: How much some prop costs?
A: Probably more than you would expect. From 50 dollars to 300 dollars mainly. It takes very much time, effort, patience, skills, designing, materials and tools to make a prop. You must understand that selling a prop under 50 dollars is worth nothing to me. If I make a prop in five ours, that makes 10 dollars per hour, minus the materials of course. If I make a prop in ten hours, I would like to get more than 50 dollars for it.

Q: To which countries do you sell props?
A: All over the World, except Antarctica and International Space Station.

Q: Can I send you something via mail?
A: Probably you can't. I don't have a mailbox and don't want to share my address to everyone.

Q: What is your Little Monsters account?
A: Sire Sasa

Q: What is your Facebook?

Q: What is your Twitter?
A: I don't use Twitter.

Q: What is your E-mail?
A: I'm not going to tell it.

Q: Can you send me something via E-mail?
A: No, you see everything on Youtube, Facebook and my blogs.

Q: Can I use your art in my video/project?
A: Rather not, since what I get form it? Nothing.

Q: Can you subscribe/follow/like/advertise/feature/link/share/comment/favorite my video/channel/account/facebook/twitter/post/picture/page?
A: No, I will not do that, because then everyone would ask me to do it, and I can't subscribe to everyone.

Q: Can I make a video of your prop?
A: Yes you can, if you tell that I taught you to make it, provide a link to me video/channel and put it as a video response to the original video. But please don't make a tutorial video of a prop I have already made a tutorial about, if you make it like I did.

Q: Can I be your friend?
A: You can be my internet friend, but that is not like a real friend, because we can't hang out or even talk face to face. And I don't know your real name, and you don't know mine. So, actually we are not friends, but if it's nice for you to think that, go ahead.

C: You are my best friend!
A: Oh no, I hope not! Try to get some real-life friends too.

Q: I'm your best fan!
A: Maybe you are. But so are everybody else.

C: You are so talented!
A: Thank you, but it's really just the matter of practise and patience.

C: I love you!
A: If you are a girl, thank you very much! If you are a boy (which unfortunately tends to be more likely), don't say that! In either case, you don't really love me, you just think so.

Q: Can I marry you?
A: If you are a girl, over 16, under 24, pretty, not fat, not stupid, you will move to Finland, learn Finnish language and culture, yes you can.

Then the most asked props and will I make them:
Government Hooker Alien Headpiece from Born This Way Ball. No.
Lobster Shoes from Bad Romance. Yes.
Living Dress from Monster Ball. No.
Orbit Dress from Bad Romance. Yes.
Pyro Bra from Bad Romance. Yes.
Meat Dress from VMA. Maybe.