
keskiviikko 29. elokuuta 2012

My interview in Hufvudstadsbladet

Photo: Cata Portin. Sire Sasa came to the stadium in his self-made clothes. Behind him to the right is Frida Höglund who hoped to see her brother inside the area.
Photo: Cata Portin. Anni Heikkinen (left) and Ronja Heiniemi from Oulu aimed to come at the very front of the concert.

Devoted Gaga fans filled the Helsinki Arena

Outside the stadium Lady Gaga fans started to gather early on Monday. Two visitors from afar who were also early in the site are Anni Heikkinen and Ronja Heiniemi, both dressed in matching outfits to match the star's extravagant fashion style.
Henrik O. Jansson
27.8.2012 19.28
28.8.2012 12.51

I arrived at eight o'clock from the night train from Oulu, and she met me at the train, says Ronja Heiniemi.

We will be at the Monster Pit, says Anni Heikkinen, and refers to the part of the stadium where the audience is at its closest to the artist, in the middle of the stage show.
There may only be a few hundred allowed in it, and it helps of course if you are dedicated and have dressed appropriately like the two friends are. Anni Heikkinen has a black leather vest with the text "Heavy Metal Lover" on the back, black-colored front of otherwise blond hair and studded leather gloves. Ronja Heiniemi has a necklace of metal beads that shines throughout the body and shiny metal crosses hanging from the ears.

Lady Gaga has not released any new albums or singles since Marry the Night came from the album Born this Way last year.

But we hope she plays something from the upcoming record, says Anni Heikkinen.
The name of it is Artpop and it will be released next year accordig to the plan. Lady Gaga has visited Finland twice before, in 2009 and 2010. Both times were Sire Sasa from Helsinki in the audience. He stands expectantly outside the stadium with a black crown on his head and dressed in ankle-length white robe with red edges that form a cross on the front. Just like his idol, it is a stage name he uses.

I make my own costumes too. For this crown I have used maybe fifteen hours, and eight for this coat, he says. Moreover, he does his own videos to the idol's honor, and uploads them on the net.
While many are dressed, few have gone as far as Sire Sasa in their efforts. Just behind him in the queue is Frida Höglund from Espoo. In comparison, her black bow in her hair is rather modest.

I'm a fan, but not extremely big one. Edge of Glory is my favorite Gaga-songbut the more fervent things are maybe a little too mainstream, she says.

Lady Gaga, or Stefani Germanotta, which is her real name, is from New York and has sold an estimated 65 million records, of which about 13 million are albums.
On Monday, almost both Monday's as Tuesday's concert were sold out, which means that about 20,000 people will see The Born This Way Ball tour, which it's called, before Gaga pulls ahead with her court to Stockholm and Copenhagen. The tour, which began earlier this year is supposed to last all the way in 2014.

Min intervju i Hufvudstadsbladet

Foto: Cata Portin. Sire Sasa kom till arenan i sina egenhändigt konstruerade kläder. Bakom honom till höger står Frida Höglund som hoppades träffa sin bror inne på området.
Foto: Cata Portin. Anni Heikkinen (tv) och Ronja Heiniemi från Uleåborg siktade på att få komma allra längst fram på konserten.

Hängivna Gaga-fans fyllde Helsingforsarenan

Utanför arenan började Lady Gagas fans samlas redan tidigt på måndagen. Två långväga besökare som också var tidigt på plats är Anni Heikkinen och Ronja Heiniemi, båda uppklädda i passande utstyrsel för att matcha stjärnans extravaganta klädstil.
Henrik O. Jansson
27.8.2012 19.28
28.8.2012 12.51

– Jag kom klockan åtta från med nattåget från Uleåborg, och hon mötte mig vid tåget, säger Ronja Heiniemi.

– Vi kommer att stå i Monster Pit, säger Anni Heikkinen, och syftar på den del av arenan där publiken kommer som allra närmast artisten, mitt i själva scenshowen.
Dit får bara några hundra utvalda komma, och det hjälper förstås om man är hängiven och har klätt sig passande som de båda vännerna. Anni Heikkinen har en svart skinnväst med texten "Heavy Metal Lover" på ryggen, svartfärgad lugg i annars blont hårsvall och avklippta nitade läderhandskar. Ronja Heiniemi har ett halsband av metallpärlor som strålar ut över hela överkroppen och i öronen hänger blanka kors av metall.

Lady Gaga har inte släppt något nytt album eller singlar sedan Marry the Night kom från plattan Born this Way förra året.

– Men vi hoppas att hon spelar något från den kommande skivan, säger Anni Heikkinen.
Namnet på den blir Artpop och den släpps under nästa år enligt planen. Lady Gaga har besökt Finland två gånger tidigare, under 2009 och 2010. Båda de gångerna fanns Sire Sasa från Helsingfors i publiken. Han står förväntansfull utanför arenan med en svart krona på huvudet och iförd fotsid vit kåpa med röda bårder som formar ett kors på framsidan. Precis som sin idol är det ett artistnamn han använder.

– Jag gör mina egna kostymer också. Den här kronan har jag lagt kanske femton timmar på, och åtta på rocken, säger han. Dessutom gör han egna videor till idolens ära och lägger ut på nätet.
Även om många är utklädda är det få som har gått så långt som Sire Sasa i sina ansträngningar. Strax bakom honom i kön står Frida Höglund från Esbo. I jämförelse är hennes svarta rosett i håret ganska blygsam.

– Jag är ett fan, men inte extremt stort. Edge of Glory är min favoritlåt, och de mest inbitna tycker kanske den är lite för mainstream, säger hon.

Lady Gaga, eller Stefani Germanotta som hon egentligen heter, kommer från New York och har sålt uppskattningsvis 65 miljoner skivor, av vilka cirka 13 miljoner är album.
På måndagen var det så gott som slutsålt till såväl måndagens som tisdagens konserter, vilket betyder att ungefär 20 000 personer kommer att ha sett The Born this Way Ball som turnén kallas när Gaga drar vidare med sitt hov mot Stockholm och Köpenhamn. Turnén som började tidigare i år är tänkt att pågå ända in under 2014.

keskiviikko 15. elokuuta 2012

Two problems with Little

Little monsters are thieves! Not all of course, but many young, ignorant and selfish people at, who dare to call themselves Little Monsters are stealing others work. I hate when I make some art, use much time, talent and effort into it, then some people copy it and post it as their own in that site! They might even get more views and likes than the original artist and the final nail to the coffin is that Gaga has commented to my poster on someone else's profile!
I ask all of you, stop stealing others work, no excuses! If you can't do anything on your own, that doesn't give you a permission to steal others work. If you steal, you are a miserable wretched pitiful jerk and full of crap.

The other thing which is wrong with the site, is the gay users! They post gay porn pictures every day to full the site. It's not a porn site, I don't want to see a naked or half naked male body ever again on that site! There should definitely be some sort of ccensorship or moderator for the posts before their publishing.

If these two things don't get better in reasonable time, I will quit posting anything to the site!

maanantai 6. elokuuta 2012

Lady Gaga in a Film

Lady Gaga will finally perform in a film. I've waited this for so long! She will appear in Robert Rodriguez's Machete Kills-movie, which is a sequel to his Machete-film.
Gaga will play La Chameleón, who appears to be a femme fatale of the film (aren't they all in Rodriguez's films?)
That's just a right kind of movie for Her. She can be sexy and dangerous and over the top at the same time! I love Rodriguez's movies, as well as Tarantino's. They are friends and made several movies together and Quentin and Gaga are also friends. Quentin supposed to Gaga that She could use his Pussy Wagon in Telephone. And they did. Also Tarantino is interested in Gaga playing a part in (possible) Kill Bill part 3. She would play a murderer for sure. I'd love to see that too.
Also I'm still waiting them to cast Gaga in some Bond movie, as the Bond girl, and the singer of the theme song of course. Bond bosses love Gaga, so that can happen someday. Apparently Skyfall is ready and the song made (?), so maybe the next Bond (24), which will happen probably in 2014.

And Gaga made a tiny cameo in Men in Black 3 too! She played an alien in one of the 60's scenes, but I'm not actually sure who She is in the crowd.